Make noise in your community and be a visible reminder of the importance of suicide prevention and mental health awareness year round.
In the weeks leading up to World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10) and throughout Suicide Prevention Month (September), you amplified a conversation about suicide prevention and took action to reverse the growing rate of suicide. Together we reminded friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and even strangers that we want Another Day With You. And in the days, weeks, and months to come, you can still be a part of this movement. Below are some ways for you to continue this work.
47 million People Reached
Over 47 million people were reached with this message of hope.
3,164 Packs Distributed
WSPD Packs were distributed to people in 50 states + 29 countries.
$275,000 Funds Raised
$275,000 was raised for treatment and recovery.
3,800 Counseling Sessions
35,000 FIND HELP Searches
“When I lost my good friend and former roommate to suicide, I knew I needed help. I was not able to afford therapy on my own, especially without health insurance. Thanks to TWLOHA’s Treatment & Recovery Scholarship, I don’t have to navigate the terrifying and tumultuous waters of my friend’s death and my own mental illnesses alone. My therapist helps validate and encourage me along with providing me tools to combat negative thoughts when the world around me feels too heavy. –Scholarship Recipient
“It means everything. It means I can breathe again without feeling like I’m drowning. It means I don’t feel alone in this world. It means I have someone who believes me. It means I’ve survived. –Scholarship Recipient
“I am stunned, gratitude around the moon and back for granting me the financial resources for treatment. Recovery is a difficult enough process. Having one less thing to worry about financially allows me to exhale a bit and put more focus into a recovery-oriented mindset. I cannot thank TWLOHA enough for such a gift. –Scholarship Recipient
“This scholarship has helped me more than you know. I am alive, I am recovering, and I am starting to see what life looks like without the constant cloud of mental illness. I cannot thank you enough. –Scholarship Recipient
“It meant being able to have a larger tool kit to reach into when COVID-19 hit, where I was able to cope and manage my mental health as an essential worker. It has continued to change my life by allowing me to hold the vision of who I want to be and to trust the process of healing. –Scholarship Recipient
“TWLOHA’s scholarship has provided me with the ability to continue consistency in receiving essential help, especially during this pandemic where I’ve lost all my income. As a single mom, having some breathing room to buy some basic necessities never goes without deep gratitude. This scholarship has a ripple effect — my children are recipients of the positives of a healing momma, as well as seeing how giving to those in need can alter a life and provide hope. –Scholarship Recipient
“I have struggled with my depression for a long time, I say ‘my’ because it feels very personal and isolating, even though I know there are many of us that share this illness. This movement, correction, everyone engaged in this movement, reminds me every day that I am not alone. As much as my family would like to help me, there is only so much financially that they are able to provide. This scholarship has helped me return to counseling when I needed it the most in another set of my darkest hours. –Scholarship Recipient
Make noise in your community and be a visible reminder of the importance of suicide prevention and mental health awareness year round.
Thousands of people helped bring this year’s campaign to every corner of the globe (and the internet). To see their stories, check out #AnotherDayWithYou across social media. You can also rewatch our in-depth conversations with artists, poets, people with lived experience around suicide, and leaders in mental health advocacy through our Facebook roundtable discussions and Another Live Chat With You series.
Facebook Roundtable Discussions
• Understanding Suicide
• How We Can Help
• The Stories We Tell
Another Live Chat With You
• Adley
• Aundre and Carissa
• Carlos Whittaker
Find all our conversation on our WSPD 2021 Playlist on YouTube.
Throughout the campaign, we released new blogs and podcast episodes that shared stories from people who have experience with suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, and suicide loss.
• Another Day With You by TWLOHA ▸
• I woke up. I made breakfast. I asked for help. by CJ Sanders ▸
• Voices by Caitlin Allen ▸
• Beyond the Storm by Sarah Wright ▸
• Don’t Remember How They Died; Remember How They Lived by Carrie Thompson ▸
• Why I Kept Going by Lauren Sheetz ▸
• Suicide Loss and Learning to Surf by Nicole Faye Golden ▸
See all the blogs from the campaign here.
Podcast Episodes
• Suicidal Ideation ▸
• Suicide Loss ▸
• Suicide Prevention ▸
• Suicide Attempt ▸
Thank you to these community leaders and companies for supporting this campaign:
If you want to get a first look at our 2021 campaign or help spread hope throughout the year, we invite you to add your name to our newsletter list.