Mindfulness. It’s become a bit of a buzzword. But boiling it down to a single word does it a bit of disservice. Mindfulness can take the shape of various forms of meditation, yoga practices, immersing ourselves in nature, noticing our breath, or tapping into our senses.
But how does mindfulness, and all the avenues it involves, intersect with mental health? How can our awareness of the present moment, of a tangible aspect of reality change or improve our inner world?
To help us explore and understand this, we’re going to be joined by Tianna Soto. Tianna is a Puerto Rican, Jamaican-Chinese writer, speaker, and mental health educator based in New York City. She received a Master’s in Clinical Psychology in Education from Columbia University and is a certified yoga and mindfulness instructor. Her ongoing mission is to empower others to embrace their journey with clarity and confidence.
“There's so much power in pausing and slowing down.”
This episode of the TWLOHA podcast was hosted by Chad Moses and produced by Rebecca Ebert. Music assistance was provided by James Likeness and Ben Tichenor.
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