Just say no.
Drugs are whack.
Recognize, Resist, Report.
These phrases stem from programs and campaigns and political agendas that ultimately hurt the United States and its people. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program or DARE filled schools in the 90s—and while overall being deemed ineffective, it continues today asking youth to take pledges to stay away from drugs and gangs. Then there’s the failed and heavily criticized War on Drugs that began in the 70s but really took off in the 80s. With it came laws that criminalized drugs and racially targeted specific groups and communities of people—especially people of color. Its focus weighed heavily on deterring use rather than emphasizing treatment and recovery.
So today, with all of this in mind, we have the immense honor of talking with and learning from Dr. Nzinga Harrison about addiction and the ongoing and growing opioid epidemic. Dr. Harrison is a physician, educator, and the Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of Eleanor Health, a value-based provider of comprehensive, outpatient addiction treatment. Above all else, this conversation is about reframing the way we as individuals and as a society view and address addiction and the people who are dealing with substance use disorders.
“The socio-political environment of criminalizing drug use contributes to the epidemic we have today.”
This episode of the TWLOHA podcast was hosted by Chad Moses and produced by Rebecca Ebert. Music assistance was provided by James Likeness and Ben Tichenor.
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