Merry Christmas

By Jamie TworkowskiDecember 24, 2007

Hi Guys.

Meant to write something sooner.  Wanted to say more about Omaha as it was a really great night, but apparently we’re not very good at cold weather, because Byron came home with bronchitis, and i’ve spent the last five days in bed with tonsilitis.  (Swallowing = not fun)  But i think we would both agree it was worth it as Sunday night in Omaha was one that truly meant the world to us.  To be handed a microphone in that setting was something i’ll never forget, and even more significant were the conversations we got to have.  It was all an honor. Thanks again to (the band) Sick Puppies for inviting us, and thanks to everyone we met for making us feel so welcome.  Omaha is a special place.  We’re excited to come back, but we should probably wait ’til it warms up a bit : )

So anyway, Byron has been, in his words, “coughing like a 90 year-old man” and i’ve watched 16 episodes of LOST in the last two days, but i think we’re finally starting to feel a bit better.
Really cool news: At the start of 2007, we set a goal of raising $100,000 which would go directly to treatment and recovery.  We’ll announce the details soon, but for now, i’m excited to report that we’ve more than met that goal.  So thanks for your incredible support this year.  In addition to raising an important conversation about hope and help and community, you’re paying for treatment as well.  We’re hugely proud of all of it, and we couldn’t do it without you.

We hope this Christmas is a great time with loved ones, and a chance to reflect on what’s important.  We know that every home is different.  Every story is different.  And a lot of things go missing.

To those of you who lost loved ones this year, we want to say we’re sorry.  To those of you with loved ones who are sick or overseas, our thoughts and prayers are with you.  To Hawthorne Heights and Ashley Calvert, we’re honored to be part of your community.

TWLOHA began as a way to say that life is hard for a lot of people, but it’s worth living.  And that hope is real.  And storms do pass.  We have more in common than we might guess at first glance.  And if that’s true, then we’re not alone. 

Much of life is a gift: Friendship. Laughter. Community. Conversation. Hope. Love. We hope this Christmas, and in the days that follow, that you get some time to appreciate the greatest gifts, to mourn for things gone missing, to begin to let go where you need to, and to fight for the things you’re supposed to. 

We’re part of a surprising story.  Bigger than ourselves and older than time.  It is a redemption story.

From all of us to you, Merry Christmas.


PS: Saturday is going to be a great night at The Social.  Still a few tickets left via Ticketmaster and The Social box office.  Hope to see you there.

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