Thanks for Watching.

By Jamie TworkowskiSeptember 12, 2008

Hey Guys.

We want to say thank you to everyone who watched the TWLOHA story on NBC Nightly News tonight. Our team watched it together in Cocoa, along with Byron’s parents, his wife Amanda and their new baby Eden. My mom was there too – my mom is the best. It was a really special night, more emotional than i thought it would be. It was really heavy having our story in the mix with the news about Hurricane Ike and the millions affected in Texas and the Gulf. We said a prayer for those people during the commercial break, and they remain in our thoughts and prayers now. We know that this is a difficult night for a lot of people. We also prayed for the people and families that would be seeing the TWLOHA story tonight. We were told nine million people would be watching and it was heavy on my heart tonight that those are nine million individuals. Nine million stories. Real people. Real families. We spent some time talking about that, and we prayed that those people would be introduced to hope and help.

If you weren’t able to catch the TWLOHA story when it first aired, you can find it, along with two additional online exclusives at
Stay safe tonight.
Peace to you.

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