TWLOHA 2010: Year in Review.

By Jamie TworkowskiDecember 31, 2010

From all of us at TWLOHA, THANK YOU for an amazing year. THANK YOU for walking this surprising road with us. Who would have thought when we set out to tell a story and help a friend in 2006 that it would lead to all of this? We wouldn’t be here without you. THANK YOU for fighting for the stories around you. THANK YOU for caring about people.  
The links and words below represent some of the highlights of 2010. We hope they find you like friends…

HEAVY AND LIGHT. Our favorite night of the year.

Shake the Dust. Anis Mojgani is amazing.
Two million views and counting.
A Journey of Hope. Out of the Darkness.
Soundwave. We love Australia.
Dear Body. “The faded scars show healing…” 
“Because none of it would have been the same alone.”
“i believe we would be reminded that love is stronger than hate…” 
“I was invited into a community of people filled with hope, determination and love.”
“To the ones that fought for peace and freedom, we pray those things for you.” 
Flowers to the Sea. In Memory of Zeke Sanders.
“She does this every year, today and on his birthday and on the day he died.” 
i hope you felt the fireworks. “Maybe wonder feeds hope and hope feeds wonder. You see something beautiful and it reminds you that it’s possible to see something beautiful.”
“I left for this tour with a heavy heart and hoped that the road would make it light again.” 
For Nate. In Loving Memory: Nate “Oteka” Henn (1985-2010)
The Lady in 19F. “I’m not afraid of anything anymore.” 
Inception. “i don’t know your story or your dreams or the things that steal your sleep, but i know they matter.”
Ring the Bells. “i believe it because i have seen my friend Steven talk about his wife and son without blinking.” 
We have reason. “These are our letters from home. These are our reminders. This is our motivation to go on another day. This is the reason we started this fight in the first place.” 
For David. “He said he does this to remember that he’s loved.” 
What I found in my TWLOHA internship. “And I believe in hope because I’ve seen it in the stories of other people.”
“I suppose that since most of our hurts happen in relationships, so will our healing, and I know that grace rarely makes sense to those looking in from the outside.” – Paul Young  
TWLOHA at UNC Wilmington. “i hope you get to experience that kind of love.”
A Mother’s Perspective. “Because of TWLOHA, I am ready to admit that I am addicted.”
GOOD LOVE. With pro surfer C.J. Hobgood in Hawaii.
“Nobody gets to name you. You are not forgettable. You are not replaceable. You are not your pain. You are sacred and special and alive.” 
From all of us at TWLOHA, peace to you. 
PS: Perhaps the fuss about midnight suggests that things can be new.  2011 has never happened before. Here’s to the possibilities…
“A long December and there’s reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last.” – Counting Crows

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