Between the Trees / Video & UK Tour.

By Jamie TworkowskiMay 31, 2008

Between the Trees. These guys are our friends. We are so proud of them for all they’ve accomplished over the last year. This is a young band attempting to make music that matters, and they’re a band that you will continue to hear more and more about.

Between the Trees has been part of the TWLOHA story since day one. I wrote in the original (TWLOHA) story “Ryan sits in the corner strumming an acoustic guitar, singing songs she’s inspired.” Ryan is Ryan Kirkland, from BTT, and one of those songs was this one, “The Way She Feels”. We believe in this song and in this video. For any band, this is a great video. But considering these guys are an indie band, with a tiny budget, this video is unbelievable. At the end of the video, you’ll see the TWLOHA logo and web info. We’re hoping that this video will be a source of hope, especially for those struggling with self-injury. We would love for you to add this video to your MySpace page, share it with friends, etc. We want to see this thing spread!

<object width=”425″ height=”350″><param name=”movie” value=”″></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”350″></embed></object>

Beyond the video, Between the Trees is about to head to the UK to perform at the Download Festival, and then they’re playing 10 dates with Kids in Glass Houses. Our (original) black Title shirts will be available at all of those shows.

Between the Trees UK Tour
June 10 – DOWNLOAD Festival – Donnington Park, UK

Dates below w/ Kids in Glass Houses:
June 12 – Joiners Arm – Southampton, UK
June 13 – Barfly – London, UK
June 15 – Leadmill – Sheffield, UK
June 16 – Bar Academy – Birmingham, UK
June 17 – Cavern – Exeter, UK
June 18 – Rock City – Nottingham, UK
June 19 – Cockpit – Leeds, UK
June 20 – King Tuts – Glasgow, UK

Again, TWLOHA shirts (black Title only) will be available at all of BTT’s UK shows.

For more on Betweeen the Trees, [url=]go here[/url].

I am headed to CA, for the [url=]Switchfoot Bro-Am[/url] this Saturday in San Diego. And I’m also speaking at [url=]Origins LA[url] Sunday PM. I’m really excited about both. Hope to see you soon.

: )

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