name the dream. name the place you want to travel to. name the award you will one day win. name the job you interview for and will get. name the home you will own. how many rooms? is there a garden? name the disease and the cure that will be found. name your children.
name the love you deserve. did you give it to yourself first? is there a garden? name the policy you will change. name the celebrity you will meet. name the celebrity you will become. name the app you will develop. name the play you will write.
name it. the thing most alive in you. name it before the new year. before the resolution. before the doubt and its tremble. name it, sweet daydreamer, the world in the stretch of your wonder.
I didn’t see this before the new year but I need to write my feelings down somewhere. I just ended a 7 month relationship with a women that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. She’s smart, funny, financially stable and the list of positive things I could say about her go on and on. The problem is she hits me and she’s done it a lot. She has made me feel like I deserve to be hit too. I gave everything I had to her and this relationship and she blamed everything on me. Like my ex wife did she has left me feeling empty and hopeless. My dream is to not feel hopeless. To find someone that enjoys little things with me like going to the grocery store or surprising me with something as simple as a cup of water when I see her. I did everything for my ex. I cooked, cleaned, financially supported her while she pocketed pay check after pay check and said it was for our future. I dream of leaving Colorado and going back to Florida and seeing my daughters on weekly if not daily basis. I want a 5br house and a pool. I want to finish my Masters degree and coach football again. I want to help kids that are going through hard times like I did in high school. I want medication that actually helps me feel better and not just puts me to sleep. Those things would be great to have, but really I just want to feel loved and be happy. Thanks for listening.
Hi James,
Thank you for finding the courage to be so vulnerable and honest with us. No one is deserving of being in an abusive relationship, ever, so we are relieved to know that you have removed yourself from that situation — although we know it must have been difficult to leave someone you cared for.
All of the hopes and dreams you have for the future are inspiring. We hope that you find what you deserve. We hope that you receive the love you deserve as well, from yourself and others.
Please know that we see you and we want to support you through this difficult event and time. Would you email our team at [email protected]? We would like to provide you with some encouragement, resources, and support as soon as possible. Please include what you shared above.
With Hope,