National Survivors of Suicide Day (11/17/07)

By Jamie TworkowskiNovember 17, 2007

Hey Guys.

Couple things we want to share with you, with Saturday in mind:

First is [url=][/url] (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)
Lots of great info there, including some conferences happening around the country on Saturday. They’re also broadcasting online with a live chat to follow, so that everyone who wants to can be involved. [url=]Here’s a great link specific to Saturday[/url].

Second is the [url=]Destination Hope Walkathon[/url] in Maryland.
Here’s some info:
“When: National Suicide Survivors Day, November 17, 2007
Where: Cross Island Trail, Kent Island, MD – Starting at Terrapin Nature Area
Time: Registration begins at 9:00am, walk starts at 10am sharp.

About the Destination HOPE Walkathon

The founders of 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) and the Youth America Hotline 1-877-YOUTHLINE (968-8454) have created a walkathon to help honor and remember loved ones that have been lost to suicide in Queen Anne’s County. It serves to not only pay tribute to their lives, but to also create awareness, to help erase the negative stigma associated with suicide, and to help try and prevent future suicides. By coming together as a community to show support for families and friends who have lost a loved one, we also stand together in showing that we are not ashamed and that we are dedicated to trying to get more support for our cause.

This walk is called “Destination HOPE ” to remember those we have lost to suicide and to help raise awareness that suicide is preventable. The Walkathon will be held on Kent Island, on the scenic Cross Island Trail, starting at Terrapin Park, Stevensvolle, MD at 10:00 am.

To help volunteer with organizing and or help during the walk, please send email to [email protected] or call: 410-695-4253″

More soon. We definitely want to encourage you guys to find out what’s happening in your area, and to be creative and intentional in doing something to celebrate changed lives and the possibility of change in your communities.

And probably more than anything, we want to encourage you to reach out to friends and family that have been affected by suicide. A lot of people live with enormous questions, and maybe this is an opportunity not to offer cheap answers, but instead to be willing to meet them in the questions, to join them in the things they wrestle with.

Thanks for caring.

ps: I’ll be speaking at [url=]Red Sea Church[/url] in Portland, Oregon this Sunday at 10:30am. For more info,
I’ll also be hanging out with Michael and speaking briefly at the Bayside shows in Portland (Monday 11/19) and Seattle (Tues 11/20).

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