This piece was originally published on The Mighty here.
It is a sad fact that a universal feature of suicidal ideation is the belief no one would miss you — that you are a burden on your loved ones, that everyone would be happier without you here. It is truly like you are in a house that is on fire, so filled with smoke you cannot see anything around you. You become desperate and do not recognize that the firefighter is right outside the door, with all of the people you love and help to get better. You think the situation is permanent, and so you make a desperate escape.
I have struggled with this ideation for over a decade. A lot of that time has been spent simply existing… I move from one task to the next, accomplish what I can, passing the moments that are not filled with work with mindless activity. I have had extensive therapy, found a good balance of medication and lifestyle help, and surrounded myself with people who see and love me. Yet, my house is frequently filled with smoke. I cannot breathe, and the desperation creeps in while I fight to just keep breathing. I have frequently felt that everyone in my life, even those who love me most, would just be happier if I left them.
Recently, I connected with someone in my department at work. I just started this job a couple of months ago, and this woman has looked withdrawn and almost avoidant of me for a long time. I sent her an email wondering if there was something I had done to cause this response. She wrote back that her daughter recently died by suicide. Her daughter’s birthday is in a few days, and this mother is grieving. She sent me a memorial that she wrote for her daughter’s birthday, and I was stunned into silence. The baby picture attached looked almost indistinguishable from my own baby pictures. The picture of her adult daughter bears a remarkable similarity to myself. Her birthday is a mere 11 days before mine.
I sat there for a time, overwhelmed with the notion this could have been my mother. With a few variables changed, my mother could have been the one grieving this week. She very nearly was the one grieving her lost child.
In order for this young person to have died by suicide, she must have believed she would not be missed, as almost everyone with suicidal ideation does. She must have thought she was disposable. Her house would have been filled with smoke, and she would not have seen her loved ones hoping she would get out.
But her mother grieves. The family she has left behind has a hole in it. She has even left an imprint on me, and I never met her. She lived. She was important. She is missed and her family grieves for her.
If suicidality leads to the belief we will not be missed, yet each person who dies by suicide is mourned intensely, then that belief has to be false.
Suicide loss survivors constantly talk about the grief, about wishing something more could have saved their loved one. It would seem no one who truly loves the person who dies by suicide is better, happier, without that person in their lives.
My own mother informed me recently that when my parents haven’t heard from me during a day, they get worried. They look to see if I have posted on social media, just to know I am alive. I may believe they would be relieved to have me gone, but they are calling to me through the smoke that they just want me to be OK.
I firmly believe this is the case for everyone who is suicidal. Our lives leave a mark on those around us, even if we do not see it.
To those who have lost a loved one to suicide, I am sorry. There is nothing you could have done that would have prevented the death. The house was filled with smoke and no matter how much you wanted to reach your loved one, they could not see or hear you.
To those who fight day-in and day-out with these thoughts, whose lungs burn with the smoke of depression and anxiety and hopelessness and self-loathing, do not believe your life is worthless. Your parents or siblings or teachers or co-workers or friends or cousins or your pet or even someone you may not know deeply are waiting to help clear the smoke from your house. You are wanted. You are seen. You are important. You are enough.
The world is better with you in it.
Whatever you are facing, there is always hope. And we will hold on to hope until you’re able to grasp it yourself. If you’re thinking about suicide, we encourage you to use TWLOHA’s FIND HELP Tool to locate professional help and to read more stories like this one here. If you reside outside of the US, please browse our growing International Resources database. You can also text TWLOHA to 741741 to be connected for free, 24/7 to a trained Crisis Text Line counselor.
About that...
The world is not better with me in it. Most other people, maybe, but not me. Oh, my “loved ones” think it is, and they think they’d grieve, but let’s be realistic. I don’t love- I claim people as my own and panic when they try to escape. I don’t love- I just crave the sensation of being loved. I’m violent, vengeful, sadistic, all the things you put people in prison for being. I’m an objectively horrible person, and the world is a worse place with me in it.
You’re not a horrible person. We all have light and dark inside of us. It’s what we do with the two that matters. You recognizing all of this is commendable and such a big initial step toward self-reflection and healing. We hope you know that there people who can and want to help you along this journey. You can always email our team at [email protected] for a safe space to share and you can check out for free and affordable professional resources.
Good attempt but it’s too late
Please stay. We know how hard it all can be and how difficult it can be to believe that there’s hope or that things can change. But we speak from experience, and we believe you are worthy of all of it—hope, help, and healing. We’re here and you can reach us at [email protected] or you can text TWLOHA to 741741 to talk with a trained crisis counselor for free, 24/7. You don’t have to go through this alone.
I completely disagree…. My wife will be extremely better off without me. Ive been nothing more than a drain on society. Bipolar sucks and it sucks the life out of others around me.
I really struggle to find a reason to continue on
Hi Jim,
We really appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. Please know that your struggles with bipolar do not make you a burden or a drain on society. That’s not to say the challenges that comes with bipolar are not heavy and difficult, but you as a person are not any of those things.
What are some things that bring you joy or a smile to your face? Those things, big or small, are a good place to start when searching for reasons to be here.
With Hope,
I feel that it is impossible to exist. If you have any needs you are a burden and should be grateful anyone even cares about you, if you express anything else you are bad, if you don’t reach out you are bad, but if you do reach out you are also bad, by existing you are bad. People are allowed to hurt me but I am not allowed to fight back or I am the one who is truly bad, if I have to suffer in silence everyday and it goes unnoticed and if I complain then I am bad. If I exist no matter what I do it is wrong and I am bad. My family says they don’t want me to die but the only way to not be a burden is to not exist and to die. I don’t know if I should just do it or continue to live feeling like I ought to be dead because if I am dead I cannot be bad. My family abused me and I don’t know if I can forgive them. It hurts. All I do I try to diminish myself for them and to keep my problems to myself but it’s never enough. I feel it will never be enough until I disappear.
You are absolutely allowed to speak of your truth. That includes your pain, your anger, and your hurt. We can’t guarantee that the everyone around you will be receptive or understanding and compassionate, but you deserve to express your truth within safe spaces. And while you may carry burdens, you yourself are not a burden. We hope you will consider reaching out for help. You can find affordable local options by using our FH Tool at and you can also email our team at [email protected] if you’d like a safe space to share more. We are here.
With Hope,
You can’t prove I matter. I have family and my ex wife sure don’t give 2 shits . Women all hate me and most pretend they like me.
Hi Brent,
We can understand how you’re feeling. We do believe that your existence, in and of itself, matters. Your joy, heartache, growth, and vulnerability are all things that matter. We are glad you’re here and we hope you know that you can always reach out to us at [email protected] for a safe, non-judgmental space to share whatever you’re going through.
With Hope,
Rob j.
If I died no one would really notice 🙂 being on your own is tough. Seems all theses articles assume everyone has some people to hold on to or something the people really sufferim g have no one. I have only one single person not like most people who say that exaggerating .. literally I only know or can call one person . Society is the worst and the ones who don’t realize that are blind .
Hi Rob,
This can definitely be the hard reality for a lot of people. There are few we find ourselves able to be authentic with or relay on during times of struggle. But we always hope to remind people that our team is here to be a source of support and encouragement, as well as a bridge to professional help. While they might not be physical neighbors or friends, there are people who do care and want to help. To start, you can email us at [email protected], text TWLOHA to 741-741, or visit our FIND HELP page ( to locate services.
With Hope,
Omar Henry
I feel the world is better off without me because I turned out to be one of the dumbest people in the world and no one likes me. I feel my life is worthless as to why I have disappointed many people and I wish my life could’ve been the opposite. There are some lives that are better than others, so why I didn’t live a good life like many did? Why I didn’t grow up to be smarter like others, or maintain good relationships or friendships?? Why was I always persecuted to the point that everyone hates me for being dumb and retarded??? Why I couldn’t have been like many smarter people who succeeded in sports, news broadcasts and other professions??? I feel that life is not worth living and that I was already dead. Maybe the world would celebrate happiness and gladness without me overall. I feel that my absence would heal wounds that I have inflicted and I don’t want to live anymore. I hope that starving myself to death will end all problems for everyone that I have hurt.
We don’t believe your absence would bring happiness or gladness, Omar. We are truly sorry for the pain you’re experiencing and we don’t negate the heaviness of it. But we need you to know that you are enough just as you are. Growth and improvement are wonderful things to work toward and celebrate, however, your worth is inherent. You are worthy of life right in the here and now. We are here if you ever need a safe space to share or are in need of something encouragement. Just email us at [email protected].
With Hope,
Today is hard. Been tapering off lexapro to Trintlex or whatever for 2 weeks after being on lexapro for years sans other meds for a decade. My wife would be better off without me. My dad died when I was 11 due to health complications and my two kids are literally the only thing keeping me here. I don’t want that guilt on them. I love them even though they make my life difficult. I have no purpose at work. Few friends or at least few I feel I can confide in. Not even sure why I’m writing This . I’m just rambling nonsense. Purely selfish reasons which is precisely the point I don’t matter.
Hey Jeff,
Switching medication can be a really big shift for your brain and body to endure. Your feelings are absolutely valid, but we do hope you also give yourself grace as changing medication can certainly influence those emotions and heighten them. When we’re struggling, we can believe that we are a burden to those around us. But you yourself are not a burden. The heavy things you are dealing with and are carrying can be burdensome, but you are not a burden. There is always a space here (email [email protected]) for you to share what you’re thinking and feeling, and we will respond with encouragement and support. You are not selfish for wanting to talk about the heavy that you are carrying. Not at all.
With Hope,
I feel like all I do is hurt people, everyone bully’s me and tell me to go kill myself and my family ignores me at home, I want to die
We are so sorry for the pain you are experiencing. You deserve to be met with compassion and care. If you feel comfortable, please reach out to us at [email protected] so we can learn more about your story. We’d like to offer you some encouragement and support. You are not alone and we are glad you’re here. You can also text TWLOHA to 741-741 to get connected with a trained crisis counselor. There are people who care and want to help.
With Hope,
The world will manage and it’s not exactly better with someone in it. You talk of everyone else’s feelings but what about the departed’s?
We do not shame the departed’s decision or pain. We recognize the complexity of their hurt and the heaviness that mental illness can impart. We wish for them to know peace, hope, and healing.