A Skylit Drive.

By Chris YoungbloodNovember 27, 2008

Last summer, we were approached by a music video director named Robby Starbuck about working with him on a music video project for the band A Skylit Drive. After hearing why he wanted to incorporate TWLOHA into this video and the response from the guys in the band when he pitched the idea, we had no hesitation. Support from bands all over has been part of TWLOHA’s story from the beginning. We continue to work with bands and have a love for music because we believe that music has the unique ability to move people, to remind us we’re alive.

This particular song moves from a place of feeling alone and completely abandoned to one of finding hope and help. These are stories shared for you to hear and feel and find a place in. We were invited to be a part of this and to extend an invitation to our audience.

The video was filmed in southern California in August. We were able to help bring in a few people from the area to share their story throughout the video. These people were not paid, they are not actors, these are people who share their story with the idea that you are not alone. You are not meant to walk through these places by yourself. They have their story of hope to be shared for you to find yours.

We would like to thank everyone who came out to play a part in this unique project. Also, a very special thanks to Robby Starbuck and A Skylit Drive for reaching out and allowing us to have a presence in this.

A Skylit Drive “This Isn’t The End” Official Music 
Happy Thanksgiving,

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