Warped Tour Begins.

By Jamie TworkowskiJune 19, 2008

Hello from California.

First off, i want to say thank you. That Father’s Day blog was a big one for me and i want to thank you guys for your response. The comments meant a lot. i think we all need to be reminded that we’re not the only ones with elephants, and maybe it’s even more important to begin to believe that we can ask them to leave.

i asked my dad about the blog and it meant a lot to hear him say he liked it. He was honest and said it felt a little weird having our stuff “out there”, but if other people can somehow be encouraged by our story, then it’s worth it.

Hard to explain but i’ve felt different since Sunday night. Maybe we don’t realize how much we’re carrying around until we begin to let go of some of it. It’s like that, i think. It feels really good, and i haven’t been able to say that in a long time. i am in California for the start of Warped Tour. The tour begins tomorrow in Pomona, so today is the big busy Prep Day. Michael, Jon and Chris (from our team) picked up our new tent yesterday and they’re busy today getting everything set for tomorrow and the next two months on the road. Last year was TWLOHA’s first year of Warped and Michael led the charge for us. He is taking the lead for us again this summer. Jon’s last name is Stark and he’s a heck of a musician. Jon is a new addition to Team TWLOHA and we are honored to have him representing us all summer on Warped. We’ve got a few folks sharing our third spot – Chris is doing the beginning and end of the tour, Nada the Canadian is doing a lot of the middle. Olivia from London is doing the Florida dates, and my sister Emily will be out some as well. i’ll be there tomorrow and i’ll be at Ventura on Sunday, and then i’ll be out here and there after that.

We get a lot of questions about Warped – if we’re doing it, which dates, etc…
Here’s the easy answer: YES. Look for the TWLOHA Tent and our gang at every single stop on Warped Tour this summer. Our tent is black and you can find us in the Take Action (Non-Profit) Area.

We hope to see you here:
6/20 Pomona, CA
6/21 San Francisco, CA
6/22 Ventura, CA
6/25 Phoenix, AZ
6/26 Las Cruces, NM
6/28 Salt Lake City, UT
6/29 Denver, CO
7/1 St. Louis, MO
7/2 Kansas City, KS
7/3 Dallas, TX
7/5 San Antonio, TX
7/6 Houston, TX
7/9 Atlanta, GA
7/10 Orlando, FL
7/11 Tampa, FL
7/12 Miami, FL
7/13 Jacksonville, FL
7/14 Charlotte, NC
7/15 Virginia Beach, VA
7/16 Washington DC
7/17 Cleveland, OH
7/18 Detroit, MI
7/19 Toronto, ON
7/20 Montreal, ON
7/22 Buffalo, NY
7/23 Boston, MA
7/24 Englishtown, NJ
7/25 Philadelphia, PA
7/26 New York, NY
7/27 Scranton, PA
7/29 Pittsburgh, PA
7/30 Cincinnati, OH
7/31 Indianapolis, IN
8/1 Milwaukee, WI
8/2 Chicago, IL
8/3 Minneapolis, MN
8/6 Calgary, AB
8/8 Boise, ID
8/9 Seattle, WA
8/10 Portland, OR
8/13 Fresno, CA
8/14 San Diego, CA
8/15 San Francisco, CA
8/16 Sacramento, CA
8/17 Los Angeles, CA

HERE is a list of all bands and the dates they’re playing.

We’re going to continue to talk about Warped all summer long. There will be photos and video and words and all that fun stuff. We’re really honored to be part of this community, and to have the opportunity to represent hope and help in this unique setting. We believe that music is important in so many ways. We believe that the issues we talk about are important because they affect people. We want people to know about hope and help and community. We want people to feel alive.

Warped Tour is people and music. We’re honored to be in the mix. We hope to see you soon.

Peace to you.

PS: i woke up to an email from Steven Smith. You may know him as Steven from Fuse and Steven’s Untitled Rock Show. He asked if we could film something for Fuse tomorrow. Cool stuff. The journey continues.

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