The Only Kind They Fear.

By Jamie TworkowskiJuly 8, 2010

Hey Guys.

Wanted to invite you to check out my new blog on Wasn’t sure what to write about but then i picked up a book called The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand last weekend – i’m early in the book but it’s really been speaking to me. It put words to some things i’ve been feeling a while. i don’t know about you but i feel like that’s what a good book does. Anyway, my blog is inspired by that book. It’s about following your heart and doing what you love, no matter what people say.

It’s an honor to be invited to write for Alt Press. Their magazine and website mean a lot to a lot of people so this is a chance for us to share the message and mission of TWLOHA with some new folks. i hope you’ll check it out. Feel free to leave a comment too, to let them know what you think.  

Peace to you today.

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