A Letter to the Person Considering Suicide

By Nik WilesJuly 5, 2016

Dear Person Considering Suicide,

If you kill yourself, a bunch of weird stuff is not going to happen to you.

For example, a man in an old suit jacket (the kind of jacket with elbow patches) will not come up to you and your group of friends tomorrow and say, “Y’all ain’t nothing but a bunch of spices.”

I know you’re in a lot of pain, but there may be no more extraordinarily weird moment than the spice moment. Then again, there may be a weirder moment than the spice moment; trouble is, you’ve got to stick around to find out.

Please don’t think I am trying to say I understand. I’m just writing to tell you not to miss the spice moments. I know I can’t understand exactly what you’re going through. And it doesn’t really matter what experiences I’ve had or how similar they are to what’s making you feel so hopeless you’d rather die than continue experiencing them. We are individuals, and we are different.

But I love you.

Right, I know—I can’t love you because I don’t know you and therefore my love is nothing more than a platitude to keep you on the planet. Don’t resist my love. The last person who resisted my love regretted it because I wound up outside their apartment singing a Moulin Rouge show tune dressed as Ewan McGregor.

But no, I’m serious. I love you in the way that humans are capable of loving people they don’t know. It’s like the thin icing on top of a cake; the love is made up of all these ingredients that don’t cost much—patience and gentleness and goodwill—but when spread across the surface they make everything better.

Asking you to hold on another day may not seem fair. If you’re considering suicide, you’ve probably been holding on for what feels like a painfully long time already. Chances are, people don’t even realize how tough you’ve been so you’re not getting any credit for that either. Congratulations, you. Congratulations for holding on. I can’t see ending this letter without a video game metaphor, so when I ask you to hold on until tomorrow and until the next day and until the day after that, pretend you’re playing the longest video game ever created—each day is a level to beat.

If you need a name for the video game, call it Spice Moments. After all, the spice moments are why I am asking you to stay alive. I’m asking you to stay alive for the weird. I beg you to stay alive for the friends you don’t know you have, or even the friends you don’t have yet who need you. I respectfully request that you not blow me off because you think I don’t understand. I’m asking you to take my letter to heart because we are similar in our humanity.

No one else may ask you not to kill yourself today. Please don’t let my letter be a missed opportunity. Don’t let the bond we are developing as you read pass us by. Let’s make cake together. Even if we never meet in person, let’s make so much cake together. As much cake as we can stand.

I leave you with these final words of encouragement—

If in ten years, while walking down the street (you being very much alive), you see a woman dressed up as Ewan McGregor singing the verse, “All you need is love,” while serving cake to strangers…well, that’s not me.

Though, to be honest, I’d be privileged to meet you ten years from now.

No, it won’t be me. But it will be one of your spice moments. It’ll be weird and wonderful, and it’ll be waiting for you.

With love,

A friend

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Comments (195)

  1. Sarah

    Thank you. Just thank you.

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  2. Chelsea

    Thank you so much for this.

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  3. Luke

    This I’m saving this to reread it’s just thank you

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  4. Caitlin

    This is one piece I’ll keep coming back to. Thank you. I needed this.

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  5. S

    I can’t get out of this hole. I’ve had counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, and drugs for years and years. I can’t make myself care anymore.

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    1. Claire Biggs

      Hi Sherry,

      We’re so sorry to hear that you’re struggling right now. Just so you know, we list resources here: https://twloha.com/find-help/local-resources/.

      We encourage you to reach out to your friends, family members, or others you trust and let them know how you’re feeling. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.

      It might seem like it’s impossible to get out of the hole, but we want you to know that we believe in you. If you can’t care right now, ask your loved ones to care for you. And just know that we care for you too.

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    2. Willeke

      As stated above in the beautiful letter, I do not know your struggle, but know that I care, even though I still need to remind myself sometimes, suicide is not the answer. Let this organisation help you, reach out, and if you need someone to talk to I’m halfway round the world, but I’m here and I care! Truly!

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    3. Megan

      You are more then worth it. You matter to so many people in this world. This world NEEDS you. You were put here for a reason. So please find out that reason, stick around. You can do it. I have all the faith in the world in you. I care about, and for you. If you can’t fight the battle I and I’m sure many others will gladly fight for you(and with you). You can do it, so please keep on living.

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    4. Nikko

      Dear S,
      I understand how hard it is to care. It hurts so very much to care. It’s like ____ in your veins sometimes. But. There is something that washes that pain away. I’ve felt it. It’s called love. And we all love you. Very very much.

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  6. Eddie Lopez

    Thank you. I haven’t giggled and cried at the same time in a long while.

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  7. Didier

    Holy moly, im so happy after reading this letter, not because i was considering suicide, but because i know its always in the back of my head, and i often need reminders of why i am still here.
    I love you too. I hope you are having a good day.

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  8. M

    Thank you for this.

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  9. tonya c

    Thank you….for loving me.

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  10. A

    Thank you.

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  11. Stephanie

    Whoever you are, thank you for writing this. I will print this out and read it constantly as a reminder.

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  12. Shannon

    Thank you.

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  13. Angie

    Absolutely beautiful! This speaks to so many people. Thank you for this!

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  14. Brittany

    Reading this brought tears to my eyes… it has made me think of my past “spice moments.” I’ve been going through a really rough patch lately, so this was much needed. Thank you for this.

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  15. Jennifer

    I wish I had a friend like this. I wish I had someone to trust with the darkness. I don’t want to die. I want to stop being invisible. I want to stop hurting. I’m so tired of fighting. I’m tired of feeling insignificant. I’m tired of being taken advantage of. I’m tired of being lied to, used, and abused.

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    1. Megan

      Please keep on fighting. You truly matter. There are people in your life who care about you more then you would ever know. And there will be more people in your life in the future who will also care so much about you. So please let those people in. You can do it. I know I don’t understand your pain and suffering, but all I know is no one deserves to feel that way. Please keep hanging on, good things will come. You are important, and you matter.

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  16. Jaimie

    I can’t stop crying. I haven’t felt like this in a long time but sometimes the feelings come back… Just thanks…

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  17. Jordan

    This is exactly exactly exactly what I needed to hear tonight.

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  18. May

    Needed this tonight. Thank you.

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  19. C.

    I read this post this morning when I was starting my day, and every time I started thinking negatively and getting down on myself, I suddenly thought of a woman dressed as Ewan McGregor singing “All You Need is Love”. I even laughed out loud once, and it’s been s while since I laughed for real. It made getting through today so much easier. Thank you so much.

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    1. C. almost another year older

      I came back all these months later after a bad night and a difficult morning to read this again and remind myself that there are things to look forward to, weird and wonderful things that I can’t even imagine right now, and it would be a shame to miss them.

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  20. Bellla

    I don’t think I could love this more if I tried. Thank you for your heart. Thank you for acting on it. I’m sorry for your pain. I appreciate your love. My love is your too.
    God bless

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  21. Meg

    I wish this helped as much as I had hoped it would.

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    1. Jen

      I don’t know your situation & honestly, tonight is the first time I’ve been on the comments section of the site, but if you want to talk to someone who’s willing to listen, please comment again & we can figure out how to chat. No one should ever feel so alone. You matter. We all do.

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  22. Z

    Thank you. I needed that. You are a special human being. I don’t know if it will get better but I know it can’t get any worse. Thanks.

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  23. Mikeala

    I needed this so much tonight. So, so much.

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  24. Heather

    I genuinely needed this recently so thank you

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  25. Anayah

    Beautifully written. Thank you for the light. And future spice moments. 🙂

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  26. Jenika

    Thank you.

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  27. Liam

    I’m diagnosed with, depression, anxiety disorder, ptsd, ocd, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts and somedays crying just doesn’t help. I’ve always believed that when someone has suicidal thoughts it’s there pain they wish to kill not themselves but to find this quiet and calm peace and quiet non judgmental American Society would be a step in the right direction.

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  28. Jaye

    I wish my son could have read this before he took his life on December 22, 2015.

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    1. Bellla

      I’m so sorry to hear this. Keeping you, your family and your son in my prayers
      God bless

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  29. caler

    Just the word I wanted to hear. Thank you.

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  30. calee

    thank you ?

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  31. Alissa Goodell

    Thank you..so very much.this made my night..

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  32. Hester

    Hi. My name is Hester from South Africa. Thanx fot the your kind words. I have tried a lot of time to take my own life form the age of 12. In 2014 it was the first time that I almost died. There was a voice calling me by name and it help me get better. I am still not ok but I am still here.

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  33. Christina

    This is *so beautiful* and wonderful and I really, REALLY needed to read it tonight.

    I keep trying to reach out to people for help but I can’t find the words. There’s too much to say and I don’t even know where to start. Just today I was sitting in my bedroom, crying, not able even to open a chat client and talk to a stranger about my problems.

    I feel like I’m drowning but reading this helps and I’ve bookmarked it to come back to (probably very soon) so THANK YOU!

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  34. Deedee


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  35. Claudia Anne

    Thank you, sometimes it is hard to see through the pain.

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  36. Cherry Castaneda

    Thank you so much my dear friend… I love you too.

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  37. Angela

    This was posted the day my son’s friend killed himself. As I am reading it, I wish we could have all told him how much we love him and that mistakes that are made have consequences, but are not beyond our love. He is greatly missed.

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    1. Bellla

      I’m so sorry to hear this. Keeping you, your son, his friend and their family in my prayers
      God bless

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  38. Kayla

    It’s funny how a complete stranger can make you laugh and cry when all you’ve been feeling was hatred for yourself. Their are so many different types of sad. Like the sad you make yourself and the sad you become when someone your trust hurts you. Theirs only one happy, and you did it. Thanks

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  39. Grace

    Needed this today. Thank you so much.

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  40. Ariela

    I think about it everyday, thank you.

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  41. Ariela

    I think about it every single day, and even when I’m not, it’s there, in the back of my mind, waiting to be presented, to be felt. Thank you.

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  42. kamile

    This letter inspired me to hold on just a little longer. Ive been struggling with depression and suicide for a very long time, and after reading this, ive decided i want to hold on a little longer and live for the spice moments. So thank you.

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  43. Samantha Nadler

    Hi! This is a great blog and we are planning to re-publish this (crediting you) in our “Can you Hear Me” newsletter, which is for people who have attempted suicide. I just wanted to let you know!

    Reply  |  
    1. Claire Biggs

      Hi Samantha,

      Can you please email [email protected] with more information about your newsletter?

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  44. Erin

    This is so beautiful. Thank you, friend. I did not need this tonight but I will share it in case I reach someone else who needs it.

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  45. Bekah

    Needed this…perfect timing.
    Sometimes I don’t know if “next month” exists, but I’m willing to keep going. For God. For you. Your welcome.

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  46. Bekah

    One more thing…I love you too

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  47. SSDD

    Just tired of being depressed, taking the pills that don’t help… pepper is the spice of my life. I have been saying “just one more day, this too shall pass” since 1972 and I have had some “sugar” days … the last 12 yrs have been the worst and just sick and tired of being sick and tired. The only reason I am here is of a promise I made that I wish I could take back…

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  48. Josefine

    I love cake, and I’m sure we could make a lot of cake.
    I just want you to know that i will go back and read this, maybe only a few times, but also I might read it a million times, ‘cuz this made my day, and helped me, maybe only for a few moments, but it means a lot.

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  49. Chresteen

    This helped me more than my friends have ever did. Thank you so much.

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  50. A

    This honestly helped me. I’ve really been struggling lately and this made me feel something. Thank you so much.

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  51. Dan

    I sleep if I’m not at work, and I’m always home. I really don’t leave my house. How would I even get a spice moment? I really hate baking and cooking now that I feel so lonely. There’s nobody to share with, and I’m already fat. I don’t need cake.

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  52. Pingback: Please Read  – Mental Health Hippie

  53. Somsijoe

    My word. I do have emotions!!! My eyes seem to have sprung a leak.

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  54. Sal

    I love this. I’ve stood, in the past, teetering on the brink of that abyss too many times, so I DO know what it’s like to be in that state of mind that feels like permanent state of life… and your letter means a lot. It reached my heart and brought tears. Thank you.

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  55. T

    I’m not what I feel is depression because feel nothing really nothing I don’t feel sad, or mad nothing makes me cry nothing gets me angry I use to feel depressed but then I started feeling this way and it stinks I feel I have nothing to live for no purpose I have 4 boys I love more then anything in this worlds I have lived my life to make sure they were happy grew up right I did what think is an amazing job but they don’t need me anymore I’m lost I have no reason to get out bed I use to love shopping but the best part was buying them things and they rather get there own things I’m complaining about my kids they grew up exactly the way I wanted them to they make me proud every day but they have there lives as they should but along the way of raising them I forgot to get a life outside of them because they are my life so now I don’t do anything other then sit on the couch and watch tv and thinking I’m done there’s reason for be here anymore and I fight it but sometimes it’s really hard

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  56. Zoewy

    Thank you! Just thank you.

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  57. Pingback: What I Do Remember – TWLOHA

  58. chelsea

    hey thanks. i’m going through tough times with depression and anxiety, without the support of my family. they just don’t understand. it makes things hard, but Ithink this letter makes things easier. or at least more bearable.

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  59. Lauren

    This is such an awesome read. So funny, touching and inspiring. Thank you. If you’re not a writer, you should be. I’d love to read an entire book of this 🙂

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  60. Erica

    Thank you for this …

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  61. Fiona

    Thank you so much for this and thank you for being a friend

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  62. Fiona

    Thank you for this and thank you for being a friend

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  63. Jack s

    Thanks this helped me a lot thanks for taking the time to write this you are truley a great person

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  64. liz

    Thank you

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  65. Misty

    This helped me in ways I didn’t know I needed. Thank you ?

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  66. Jenna

    I needed this today. Thank you.

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  67. Rick

    Oh crap! You made me cry! Ok, I’ll stick around so I can make cake, have a spice moment, and just continue to carry the banner for the weird!
    Thank you!

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  68. Delaney

    Me and my group of friends, huh? Right.

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  69. Stacey

    Worst letter ever ! If anything it’s encouraged me to think about planning out suicide proactively.

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    1. Becky Ebert

      Stacey, we’re sorry that this letter didn’t sit well with you. That was not our intention, nor was it the author’s. However, your feelings and reactions to the post are valid. We hope that you will not allow it to encourage thoughts of self-harm. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you need someone to listen. Our resources page is also a great way to find help in your local area, and if you want more immediate help, you can text TWLOHA to 741741 via Crisis Text Line. You will be connected to a trained counselor who can work with you. Please stay. Please continue being honest with others and yourself. Sending hope.

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  70. Mariah

    I’ve been considering suicide. Thank you.

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    1. Becky Ebert

      Hi Mariah. Thank you for commenting. We’re glad that this post spoke to you, enough for you to reach out. Please know that we are here whenever you need to talk/someone to listen. You can email us at [email protected]. But whenever you have these heavy thoughts, do not hesitate to seek professional aid. You can text TWLOHA to 741741 via the Crisis Text Line to be connected with a trained counselor. You deserve hope and light. Please stay. Please continue to fight. The world needs you here. Your loved ones need you here. There is still so much more life to live. https://twloha.com/find-help/local-resources/

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  71. Michelle Crease

    I am searching for letters for my daughter who has been struggling with suicidal thoughts. I am putting together a book of letters for her. I came across this letter and would like to request permission to print it and add it to her book. In my search of these letters yours was the first one I found. I really believe this to be a God thing because of the things you write about. She loves to sing and her favorite musical is Moulin Rouge and she quite literally does walk around singing The Love song. And if you ask her what she would like to do when she grows up she will tell you she wants to own her own Bakery. I am not the kind of person to believe in coincidences, I think God put this letter in my path to use as encouragement for her.

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  72. Acrylic7

    Love the letter.

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  73. Kimberly Mason

    That was extraordinary!
    Even someone not considering an early curtain call would be inspired.
    Thank you “Silly Spice”
    Kimberly Mason

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  74. no

    This letter is sincerely not helpful. It’s mocking, condescending, and the strange “humor” alientates people who are in pain because they may not get it and it makes pain seem trivial. They also will not believe a stranger loves them. If you are google result #5 for suicide you need to do better.

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    1. Ryan


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  75. Ryan

    I’m going to begin by assuming the author is employed in the culinary business with reference to all the cooking metaphors.

    Now, on to business: I’m going to disagree with this entire article. If someone wishes to end their life on their terms who am I to stop them? I can’t think of any other barborous or cruel treatment.

    The fact is this life is crap and it’ll always be this way. There are folks out there tired of society instructing them how to live, dress, eat, sleep, talk. End result if anyone decides on their own to deviate left or right from the norm then they’re branded outcast. No one can express themselves without fear of rejection.

    In closing I’m not going to interfere with someone that wishes to end their life. It’s their choice and I have no right to wish anyone stay in an imperfect world treated as lower than they are.

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    1. Laura

      What kind of a monster are you to troll this site advocating suicide? Suicidal feelings are often temporary and connecting with some love and humor may help get through the dark moment.

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  76. Addison

    I’m considering suicide right now and I’m scared and don’t know what to do. Help. I don’t think that I’m worth it or that anyone will miss me. I’m ugly and stupid, and don’t deserve to be here anymore.

    Reply  |  
    1. Becky


      Please reach out to a professional immediately. We list 24-hour hotlines and resources on our site at: twloha.com/find-help. We need you here. You are worth so much more than you think. Please stay to see all of the good and light and love that you will create and discover.

      You can also email our team at [email protected]. We would be honored to hear from you and offer you some encouragement. You are not alone, in any of this, Addison.

      With Hope,

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  77. Emma

    Thank you thank you. I hope you don’t mind but I sent that to a friend who was having a bit of trouble

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    1. Becky

      We don’t mind at all! We hope it helps your friend. And if they need to talk, please send them our way ([email protected])!

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  78. .

    This made me cry & laugh, a laugh helps. I hope this helped them

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  79. John Smith

    Thank you

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  80. Laura

    Thank you for this.

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  81. Whom the gods wish to destroy they first call promising.

    Your intention here is lovely and noble, but you truly don’t understand. For some, the endless daily agony isn’t going to go away. Because it isn’t depression. Not everyone who wants to die so desires because they have a neurochemical imbalance in their brain; some people are enduring life circumstances that are … unendurable. I live in abject poverty. It is wretched beyond all description, every day is a ceaseless torment; hunger, filth, physical sickness, cold, heat, vermin, constant – unremitting – danger, dejection– I could continue on with a litany as long as this page. But here’s the rub: I can’t get out. I’ve tried. Again and again and again for over two decades. When there is no hope for escape from a torture cell, how can anyone argue that escape via death isn’t rational?

    You know who says ‘Money can’t buy happiness’? People who aren’t desperately poor.

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  82. Melissa

    Thank you. I’ve needed that for a long time.

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  83. K

    Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed this.

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  84. Samantha

    This is so crazy! I’m going through such dark times in my life right now and I feel like nobody truly loves me. I searched for “considering suicide” on Google and stumbled upon this page. It’s funny cause maybe around 10-15 years ago, I was a follower of TWLOHA because of the bands I used to listen to supported the group. Today, here you are to save me. I’m still down but I think this might be a sign that I just need to hang on a bit more.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      We are so SO grateful that you found us again. We are still here, and we still believe that hope and help exist.

      Would you reach out to our team at [email protected]? We would be honored to hear more of your story and offer you some support.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  85. vince

    doc,s thank you i had enough i been living in pain for 45 year thanks to the goverment i can not live this way goodbye I HOPE GOD FORGIVES ME

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    1. TWLOHA

      Hello Vince,

      We are heartbroken to hear that you are feeling this way. We want you to know that you are important to us. Your story is important, and your feelings matter. We encourage you to reach out to us so we can talk to you more about how you are feeling. Please email us at [email protected]. We are here for you, and we believe you are important to this world. Please stay.

      With Hope,

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  86. Joey

    You are awesome. Thanks

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  87. Amanda Anderson

    Thank you for this letter, thank you for being the one person who told me that my life was worth living. I however, do not believe you will see this and therefore have the confidence to tell you that I can’t hold on anymore. I’m quitting this game

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      We see this. We see you. Please know you are not alone and we are here to support you. There are so many people out there who want to help you.

      Would you email our team at [email protected]? And please reach out to emergency services if you are in immediate danger. They exist for this reason. You can text TWLOHA to 741741 or call 1-800-273-8255.

      There is hope. There is help. You deserve both.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  88. Jim

    Thank you, I need support more than anyone in the world knows right now even family

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  89. Karen

    Thank you for the spice moments. Everyone always says don’t kill yourself because of all the people that you will hurt when you leave them behind. I’ve distanced myself from everyone I’ve ever known and everyone I’ve ever loved has died. I wouldn’t hurt anyone else by killing myself. I’m still trying to find a reason to live … then you suggested spice moments! Well it’s working for today! Hopefully it will continue.

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  90. Victoria

    I have been physically, emotionally, sexually mentally abused all my life… Tossed away and adopted at the age of 5 I’ve been told by everyone that I’m better off dead everyone always leaves and I don’t have much left in me to hold onto something that may not happen

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    1. TWLOHA


      We are truly sorry to hear about your struggles. Please know that your pain is valid. But we also want you to know that there is a team of people at TWLOHA who still believe there is hope for better days because you deserve it. Would you email us at [email protected]? It would be an honor to hear more of your story and provide you with some resources and support.

      With Hope,

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  91. Trulie McCabe

    Thanks…. I guess. I will think about that.

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  92. Joe

    Thank you for a different approach

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  93. D

    Is it wrong to want to commit suicide if you’ve done everything you’ve ever wanted to do and now as everything goes in the shitter to logically decide to end it all? We all die, I’m just choosing to leave earlier than you?

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    1. TWLOHA

      Hi friend,

      We’re glad to know you’ve done much of what you’ve hoped to in this life. But we do believe there can be more, more peace and love and joy beyond what we have planned or want to check off on our to-do list. We hope you’ll email us at [email protected] so we can learn more about you and talk a bit. It would be an honor.

      With Hope,

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  94. Daniel

    It was a decent attempt, but I’m still going to shoot myself. My wife left me because I’m such a piece of shit and now I have nothing left.

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    1. TWLOHA


      We know it’s hard and we understand not wanting to stay sometimes, but please reach out for help. You are worthy and there is still hope, always. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you are in immediate need of support, you can also call 1-800-273-8255 or text TWLOHA to 741741. Both services are free and there are people on both ends who want to help you.

      This is not the end of your story. Please keep living.

      With Hope,

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  95. Brett

    Who are you?

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  96. Beth Drummond

    Needed this so much. In a dark place. Invisible. Hurting. Needed to hear you say hang on.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Beth, we’re so glad the message you needed could reach you. Please stay, please keep finding ways to keep going. You are stronger than you know.

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  97. Hayden

    Thank you thank you thank you. You basically saved my life and well you did I need this I need to save this. Print it out and have it in my desk

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  98. Anita

    Eternally grateful for this letter <3

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  99. Sierra Ramirez

    Thank you. Really.

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  100. fouz

    i am still suicidal. no one understands. imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and hating what you see. or feeling worthless more&more everyday. i will not stay longer. i feel too worthless and not needed on this earth; i am unbelievably ugly and fat. i dont deserve to have food nor to be alive.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Hi friend,

      We are incredibly sorry to hear that you are struggling and feeling unworthy. Please know that the truth is you are worthy and you do deserve to eat and live and be loved. And there is hope to be found, even simply in you reaching out. Would you email us at [email protected] so we can have the honor of getting to know you and offering you encouragement/support?

      Please stay, friend.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  101. Gabby Nieves

    Thank you so much.

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  102. Krissy


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  103. Geani🥺

    Listen don’t kill yourself your all i got and my love for you is vary strong even if i didn’t love you or know you i still would care your the best thing i can ask for but plz don’t kill yourself im here with you 🥺🥺🥺

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  104. Aanchal Ghai

    This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

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  105. annonomus

    im gonna kms

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    1. TWLOHA

      Please stay, friend. Know that there is hope for better days and that help is within reach. You can email our team at [email protected] or text TWLOHA to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor for free. You are not alone. Keep living.

      Reply  |  
  106. Sheree Tubbs

    Hello and thank you for this letter. It does help. I don’t feel any less contempt or self loathing, but thanks for trying.

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  107. Fae

    Why did I need this more than ever

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  108. Aaliyah Nickless

    This is very sweet and heart touching

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  109. Maya

    hey thank you so much for those words of encouragement. This message is posted about 5 years after that angelic message was published, I agree we all don’t know what eachother is going through and whoever reads this Ik it’s hard but know that you are worth so much and we all love you. If you ever want to chat my ig is open it’s @mayacarrson_

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  110. Jylee

    This letter really helped me I’ll try to not kill myself for maybe one day I’ll get the pleasure of meeting you for we can make so much cake together 🤞🏽

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  111. Jaden

    I sent this to my 13 year old cousin and she said that I saved her life

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Jaden, we are so glad you found these words and that sharing them with someone you care about was truly helpful. Thank you.

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  112. ballsinmilktea

    i like balls in my milktea

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  113. Barbara

    Thank you

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  114. Shidha

    Thank you.

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  115. Sofia

    So, about the letter. I still want to die… My family and classmates would be better without me .. Come to think my friends are way more happier without me… Even though I’m trying so hard, I’ve try everything to feel me again, to feel Happy and proud of my self again….. But i still can’t, Maybe it’s better if I shouldn’t have been alive at all. My family had financial problems because of me… My parents often fight because of me…. Although the letter was great but I’m still going to end it… For the people who read this… Thank you for reading the reason why I ended everything.

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    1. TWLOHA


      We are really grateful that you read this letter and found the energy to share your thoughts. It’s OK that you are struggling, it’s OK that thing are hard and complicated. But we hope that you will give yourself more time, more space, and more room for things to change. You deserve to know better days where the things you feel don’t destroy you. We are here and there are people who can and want to help. Will you email us at [email protected] so we can learn more about you? If you need support before then, you can text TWLOHA to 741741 or call 988. Take it one minute/moment at a time. You deserve to exist and to live beyond this suffering.

      With hope,

      Reply  |  
  116. Jane

    Thank you.

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  117. jimmy watt

    I do not write not a word….but I currently do not have have a home …. my wife died of ms and i spent ever penny i had to burry her….hense tonight im saying goodbye

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      We are incredibly heartbroken for the loss of your wife and for the grief and pain you are enduring. It is a reflection of the love you have for her, which we imagine is vast. We do not wish to argue against the heartache you have experienced and are experiencing. But, we need you to know that there is hope for healing. There are people who can walk with you through the grieving process, who can offer support as you try to keep going. Please call 988 for immediate assistance or text TWLOHA to 741741. If you’d like a safe space to share, you can email our team at [email protected] or you for help finding professional care, email us at [email protected]. We are rooting for you and we want to help in whatever way we can.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  118. Chloe

    Content Note: This comment refers to sexual assault, abuse, and self-injury in detail.

    Thank you, just thank you. reading that kept me alive. I’m a teenage girl living with a rapist narcissistic stepdad and a narcissistic mom. my dad never really was in my life till last year tonight I grabbed a knife as usual and was injuring myself but it wasn’t numbing the pain enough so I put it to my throat tracing a line. Thinking I’d be better gone. I was just looking up what to do or write when thinking about it then came across this message. you saved me, living here is very hard I’ve been kicked out multiple times for telling cps and stuff i was sexually assaulted but my mom always tells them I’m doing it for attention and they leave. I needed this.

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    1. TWLOHA


      We are so incredibly heartbroken to hear that you are experiencing such a dangerous and harmful environment. You deserve to feel and be safe. We also understand that self-harm can be a means to cope with intense emotions. You are not broken or wrong for finding relief through self-injury, but we want you to know that there are other ways to cope and process that will allow you to find healing. Please know that there are resources you can reach out to: https://centers.rainn.org/ and you can always email our team at [email protected] for support in finding and connecting to professional help.

      Please reach out.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  119. kye

    Thank you.

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  120. Elmo

    Thank you, I hope I make it there

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  121. awah

    Sometimes i don’t even know why i feel like this, which makes it hard to communicate what exactly im trying to run away from. In the moment all i know is that not existing is a lot easier than facing things head on. I feel like i’ve come across a huge hole in the ground . The hugest hole you can imagine and i’ve fallen in and im falling and falling . You may think not reaching the bottom is a good thing. But to me it’s torture . I just keep falling and i’m tired. I’m so so tired of falling. So why not just stop the falling altogether. Stop the tired feeling, stop the insecure feelings the happy feelings and the anxious feelings and all feelings altogether . Because then there’d just be nothing and i’d finally be free.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      It’s okay to not understand our feelings and emotions. It certainly makes it easier when we have reasoning behind the emotions, but please know you’re not wrong for simply feeling a certain way. We also know that facing the challenges of life can be absolutely overwhelming and discouraging at times. We want you to know peace amidst the journey that is full of joy and also pain. You deserve to be here and to feel peace. We hope you’ll reach out for help as you try to navigate the heavy. Will you email us at [email protected]?

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  122. caleb

    Thank you. I dont know who you are but you are a serious blessing. I am 13 years old in high school classes in a high school sport and was really close to killing myself. I came across this and it feels nice having someone there. I love you back, whoever you are.

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    1. TWLOHA


      We can’t express how grateful we are that you found these words. Thank you for commenting and being vulnerable. We understand how hard things are, how difficult existing can be, and we are so sorry that you are experiencing any and all of this. But please know you’re not alone. If you are interested in finding some support through professional mental health services or would just like to share more about what you’re experiencing, you can email [email protected]. We’re here and we’re glad you’re still here too.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  123. Love

    Thank you

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  124. Aubrey

    Thank you so much.

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  125. Sanele

    I’ll try but I’m not promising anything

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  126. Louu

    Dear friend,
    I hope you are out there, finding your spice moments. Last night was by far one of the worst so far in this journey but your letter brought some sprinkle of hope to fall asleep, instead of following through with a plan. I hope the spice moments are fun, exciting, and you know one person chose to see today, tomorrow and some spice moments because of you.

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  127. Gerry

    I’m lost I’m 53 I have lost everything I don’t see a positive way forward

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    1. TWLOHA

      Hi Gerry,

      We’re really glad you reached out. We would be honored to help you in finding a way to move forward. You deserve to be here. You deserve to know hope. Would you email us at [email protected] so we can learn more about your story and do our best to provide you with encouragement and support?

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  128. Jeanette C.

    I don’t think you understand how much I needed this. I’ll never get this from a friend or family member, but it was definitely received. Thank you, I’ll keep trying.

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  129. James Costello

    There is no love in this world you know my friend of 18 years if I said to her I love her she would argue with walk away so if I die today it wouldn’t mean nothing

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    1. TWLOHA

      We believe you just being here is proof that love exists in this world. We understand how hard it can be to see and feel and express love, especially when the world feels violent and harsh and cold at times (oftentimes). But you are proof that it exists. And even if someone does not receive your love in the way you might hope, please know that it does no diminish it.

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  130. J

    Thank you
    I didn’t really understand the spice comment so that’ll give my mind something to distract.
    My dad died by suicide and a boyfriend left and suddenly started texting and then cold and angry.
    I want him to hold me and tell me it’s all going to be ok, but he can’t even call me.
    I have 9 years sober a beautiful sensitive sweet 11 year old son.
    I don’t understand how an ex tricks me into thinking he cared or loved me.
    I miss my dad. He was my best friend and stands in mom since I was born. I am so lonely that I drive around at 2am to!listen to music (and smoke)
    Previous bf I was pregnant with- he demanded I have an abortion and I’ll never forgive myself.
    I promise it’s not poor me. I volunteer and care about others. I’m lost. My son deserves better. I wish I had the energy and a partner to take him on camping trips and to nature.
    Thank you for writing what you did and this space to write you is helping for the moment.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      We are so sorry for all that you have endured and continue to face. We hope you know that you are strong for being here, for sharing your vulnerable experiences, and for continuing to seek change. You deserve to heal from all of this.

      We are honored to read your words and to know parts of your story. Our hope is that you might share more by emailing our team at [email protected], so we can offer you some support, encouragement, and get you connected to professional help.

      We hope to hear from you again soon.


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  131. Jennifer Gonzalez

    Ps I burn my arms with cigarettes and punch myself when he plays games with my head.
    I just want to be healthy and laugh.
    To be a better neighbor and friend.
    To show my son love and not clean the house all day
    I finished my peer support classes and need the energy to complete the test.
    Thank you for listening

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  132. Cassey

    This honestly annoyed me and made me consider suicidal even more

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    1. TWLOHA

      We’re sorry that the author’s words and experience did not resonate with you in a helpful or hopeful way, Cassey. Please know that while we value the author’s perspective, we value you yours as well and appreciate you sharing this. Would you consider reaching out to our team at [email protected] so we can learn more about your story/situation? If you need a safe space to share, we are here and we will do our best to provide you with support and encouragement.

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  133. frazer

    real im still gonna kms though

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Thank you for finding the courage to be honest with us. Please know that we are here and there are people who can and want to help you. You can reach out by texting TWLOHA to 741741—it’s free and available 24/7. We know it might not feel like it, but there is hope.

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  134. Omega ipyana

    I want to end my life i’m so tired with life, am done with stumpling GOD

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Hi friend,

      We are so sorry that you are hurting and feeling this way. It’s an incredibly discouraging and isolating experience. But please know that you don’t have to navigate this alone, this feeling or this life. There are people who can and want to help. You can email our team at [email protected] if you’d like to share more or you can text TWLOHA to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor for free, anytime.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  135. Ed

    You should darken the text so it is more readable. This was killing my eyes.

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    1. TWLOHA

      We will pass this along to our web design team. Thank you, Ed.

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  136. Miss Justine Bark

    I love that you told me you love me. God tells us”Love one another” Treat your neighbour as yourself. Basically, you treated me exactly how I needed today.

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  137. Tia

    Words can’t explain how I very much needed this…thank u stranger thank u
    Ur letter will forever be buried in my heart .Forever & Always here for u too

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  138. Drew

    Thank you for this healing moment of spice.

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  139. Jeannie

    Thank you.

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  140. Helen Bannister

    I need a spice friend just someone to wake up to in those lonely forbidden hours when my world has fallen around me just another voice to echo assure me my fears will go away , I’m so tired old and worn broken unrepairable to push forward please all I need is another spice shadow to be here with me

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      You deserve that support and safe space. Will you please email our team at [email protected] so we can learn more about your experience and do our best to send you some encouragement and support? You don’t have to do this alone, friend.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  141. Addi

    I’ll try. Thank u. 💔

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  142. Oh

    when old friends don’t want to keep in touch, and there are no more people left who really care about you, suicide may be the answer. otherwise they would at least talk to you for ten minutes.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      We’re sorry you aren’t receiving the support you need and deserve. We are here if you need safe space to share. We read and respond to every message sent to [email protected] and would be honored to hear your story and share some encouragement with you.

      Reply  |  
  143. Lorren Birtus

    i dont have any to lean on or should i say im worthless,useless,anything that u could ever imagine..no reason to live anymore.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      We really hope you’ll reach out to our team at [email protected]. We are here and we would be honored to hear more about you and your story, and to offer you some encouragement and support. Two things you deserve. You are not alone.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  144. Nicolas

    What a beautifull way to approach some ones pain reality.TOWRITELOVEONHERARMS. A Metaphore from a stranger on a device not even human. Is that irony ? It seemed inspiring for a moment . Thank you.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Hi Nicolas,

      We’re here. And you can always reach out to us.

      Reply  |  
  145. Paul L

    That’s as helpful as telling my family that I want to die and being thrown in the psych ward, kicked out of the house, ostracized and tossed aside.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      We are so sorry that this is your reality. You deserve compassion and understanding. Please know that there are resources you can use that are free and confidential, such as texting TWLOHA to 741741 or dialing 988 so you can talk to a trained crisis counselor. You can also email our team at [email protected]. We’d be honored to hear about your story and do our best to offer you some encouragement, support, and professional options.

      We’re here,

      Reply  |  
  146. Edward b

    I still want to commit i have been dealing with bullying by my peers because of my weight i have tried everything and I can’t find anyone who cares i Need help desperately.

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA


      Please text TWLOHA to 741-741 or call 988 to talk with a trained crisis counselor. It’s free, confidential, and available whenever you need. You are not alone and there is help. You can also email our team at [email protected] if you’d like a safe space to share. We would be honored to hear your story and offer you some encouragement and support.

      We are so incredibly sorry that you are hurting. No one should be bullied. You deserve kindness and compassion.

      With Hope,

      Reply  |  
  147. Lara

    I wanna give up. Life’s been so hard and unfair. I wanna stop everything even though I know my family loves me. I’m scared of leaving them but it’s so hard

    Reply  |  
    1. TWLOHA

      Lara, please know that we believe your life is worth living. We’re so sorry that life feels really hard and unfair. We know that can be really exhausting. We believe you deserve to know just how loved you are and even in the midst of the pain we believe there is hope. Please Stay. If you need to connect with a trained crisis counselor please text TWLOHA to 741-741.

      Reply  |  
  148. Alex

    That’s beautiful

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