Coming out of Hiding
It’s like being stuck in a game of hide and seek, wondering why no one has found you yet—but maybe I was hiding so well that nobody could find me.
Author: Nell Schreck
It’s like being stuck in a game of hide and seek, wondering why no one has found you yet—but maybe I was hiding so well that nobody could find me. By Nell Schreck
Over time, depression became more than an illness. In fact, it often felt like depression was my closest friend. By Nell Schreck
"I stay alive because I want to give the future a chance." By Nell Schreck
“The most important part in recovery is taking the power back and allowing yourself to believe you deserve to win.” By Nell Schreck
“But now I’m learning that I don’t have to have it all figured out to be appreciative for what is in front of me. If I wait until I can wrap my life up in a shiny bow to start enjoying it, I’ll be waiting forever.” By Nell Schreck
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