No One Else Can Play Your Part.

By Jamie TworkowskiAugust 15, 2014

“No One Else Can Play Your Part” is our campaign to celebrate National Suicide Prevention Week (Sept. 8-14) and World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10). We chose these words because we believe them to be true. We want people to know that their life matters, and their story is significant. More than anything, we want people to know that it’s okay to be honest, and it’s okay to ask for help. The highlight of our work is when people say things like, “I’m still alive because of TWLOHA.” Or “I got help because of you guys.” 

Last year’s NSPW/WSPD was the biggest campaign in our history, and we believe this new one will be even better. We would love your support to help make that happen.

We sincerely hope you believe this idea to be true, this possibility that your life is priceless. We hope you have people in your life who remind you just how special and significant you are. We hope you have friends who serve as characters in your story, folks who remind you that your story is worth fighting for.

We’re hoping you might join us in bringing this message to people everywhere. Whether you have 10 friends or 10,000 followers, we all have some kind of influence. Our hope is that this campaign – these words, this design – might lead to life-changing conversations. The TWLOHA story has been one of people connecting with hope and help by talking about things that aren’t usually talked about. Too many people feel alone. Too many people feel invisible. “No one else can play your part” is meant to tell people that they matter, that they’re not alone, that there is still some time to be surprised.

Here’s how you can help:


Buy the World Suicide Prevention Day pack.

Each pack includes a shirt, bracelet, poster print, and pack of info cards. These materials feature our “No One Else Can Play Your Part” design printed in orange, which is often associated with suicide prevention. All of these items are meant to equip you to talk about suicide prevention in your community. Use them as conversation starters, encouraging reminders, and informative tools to share with others. Finally, be sure to wear your shirt and bracelet on World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10! 

Join the conversation on Social Media.

Join the conversation and post photos using #NoOneElse14 & #WSPD14. Be sure to tag @TWLOHA on Twitter & Instagram. There will also be specific ways to participate during National Suicide Prevention Week (#NSPW14), and we will share those with you as it gets closer. 

Tell us why No One Else Can Play Your Part.

Download our printable PDF and tell us why No One Else Can Play Your Part. Post it on social media by tagging @TWLOHA and using the #NoOneElse14 or #WSPD14 hashtags.

Fundraise for suicide prevention.

Help us challenge the stigma of mental health by providing support and treatment for those affected by it. From now until the end of NSPW, every dollar raised through our NSPW 2014 StayClassy page will go directly to funding treatment and recovery. As our way of saying thanks, the top individual fundraiser will win a unique TWLOHA experience:

• 2 VIP tickets for you and a friend to Vans Warped Tour in the city closest to you. We’ll cover your travel expenses and give you $200 worth of TWLOHA merch.  


• 2 VIP tickets for you and a friend to HEAVY AND LIGHT in Orlando, FL, complete with round-trip airfare and hotel stay.

Thank you for supporting TWLOHA.
Thank you for caring about people.
May we continue to fight for the stories around us.
Every story matters.
No one else can play your part.

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Comments (24)

  1. Lisa

    I absolutely love it! It focuses on others needing you around. That you’re important to many others in many wSys! Great job!

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  2. Brionna

    Jamie and the rest of TWLOHA, know that if I hadn’t heard of you through Anberin, and especially have been able to meet Jamie at that show, I’m not sure I could face, and for sure know I couldn’t talk about any of my problems. Thank you for making me matter. Thank you for letting me share my feelings and my story.

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  3. Elizabeth Barone

    I love this! This is exactly what we need. I’ll be writing my own blog post about why No One Else Can Play My Part. Thank you, TWLOHA, for all that you do!

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  4. A Girl Who Cares

    Love the idea and the items, but can you add an orange female silhouette to the campaign? I understand the overall concept, but I believe it’s important to influence perception that we are, in fact, all in this together.

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    1. Part Seeker

      @A Girl Who Cares… I get it that u care responsibly. I do not perceive the silhouette as one gender nor other. I have shaved head &short hair, yes by illness yet more so by choice to ease contentions. I perceive silhouette as strong, simple lines in essence conveying presence of a sensitive & complex soul within. Hoped these ideas might soothe you.

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    2. Mack

      Love this….Girl Who Cares, that could just be a girl with short hair like mine 🙂

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    3. Anonymous

      I understand and share your concern, but I feel it’s important to remember that not all females appear outwardly female. Also, females can have short hair, masculine appearances, etc.

      I have no issues with the silhouette, but for the sake of those who do have issues or want a female version, it may be a good idea to have a version of the logo that is female, since although suicide is more likely for young men with depression, more young women suffer from it overall.

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  5. Laura

    No one else can play my part? Why in the world would they WANT to?

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  6. mel

    i’m 49 years old and without my daughter i don’t know if i would be here today. i had been thru a divorce alone and drinking way too much, but she was the ray of light that would say look at me daddy… i need you! so i was there for her now i’m out of the dark and have seen the light. you only get one chance

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  7. Monica

    Definitely count me in. You guys gave me a reason to live. And look for the beautiful part in life. I would so wish that you guys came to my high school to talk about these issues no one bothers to talk about. Hopefully I’ll by this pack when I get my next paycheck. Stay awesome!

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  8. Jessi

    This is awesome. Perfect choice of words, especially after the loss of Robin Williams. Perfect example of someone can’t be replaced, just like us all. Good job!

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  9. Cindy

    There have been far too many times that I’ve felt darkness pulling on me. Not everyone has that little voice inside of them pulling them back. It’s when we are in the darkest place that we need to remember that no one else can be who we are. I love how inspirational this slogan is.

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  10. Christopher

    I’m so happy that TWLOHA is still around and touching lives. I’ve been able to connect with a few people based on the t-shirts I’ve worn. I’ve just purchased the World Suicide Prevention Day Pack and hope to continue the conversations. Thanks TWLOHA for bringing ideas and resources out to keep the conversations going. While I have struggled myself, this also allows me to heal and to help others heal! Thanks!

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  11. Brookie

    TWLOHA saved my life in 2010. I was in such a dark place, but thanks to you guys, I found the light again. Your organization is so near and dear to my heart. I feel so lucky to be alive and able to support and spread your message throughout my life. I will definitely rep my suicide prevention shirt and info cards around the counseling center and my job on campus at Texas State. Thank you so much for everything you do. I only dream that I can help someone the way you helped me.

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  12. boussaidi

    Toutes les initiatives qui s’inscrivent dans ce cadre sont réellement les bienvenues .Bravo,bravo et encore bravo.

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  13. Pingback: The Stories That Surface « TWLOHA

  14. Pingback: The Part You Play Is Sacred « TWLOHA

  15. Pingback: The Beautiful Thing About Time « TWLOHA

  16. TH

    I am new to the area and may be in need of someone that specializes in

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  17. Brittney

    How can I order some bracelets

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  18. Goofy

    Why don’t you have the “No one can play your part” t-shirt on sale separately from the suicide pack? The more of those you sell, the more exposure the movement gets.

    Reply  |  
  19. Pingback: Thanks to the community: TWLOHA -

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