TWLOHA Turns 10: Celebrating a Decade of Hope and Help
"Wherever you are, however long you've been part of our story, we hope you find reason to celebrate today."
Topic: recovery
"Wherever you are, however long you've been part of our story, we hope you find reason to celebrate today."
"But for all of the heartbreak you and I have felt, we have to breathe and realize—we are surviving."
Ten years ago, TWLOHA came into existence as a story. This month we’re looking back on the last decade, and we would love for you to join us.
"I’d take bad days in recovery over the crappy days at the hands of the eating disorder any day."
"This is the great journey we are on as couple: the journey of healing. And I would weather any hurricane to be part of this journey with her."
"At first, my diagnosis was a relief. It meant help. It meant I wasn’t losing my mind. It meant things were going to get better."
"You survived this past year. You might have sprinted across the finish line or you might have limped at the end of the pack, but you made it."
"Tonight, you say: I was made to breathe and move and give, which is to say love. Love. I was made to love."
Spoken word poet Sierra DeMulder talks about writing, recovery, and why she's supporting TWLOHA with the release of her new book.
"Sometimes we think we’re protecting others from the storms that swell within us. After all, if we let them in, they may not know how to weather those storms."
“And to those who are in recovery or to those who maybe haven't quite figured out what that means, please remember that it is quite OK to have bad days.”
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