What I Want You To Know When I’m in a Crisis
I probably won’t say, “I’m in a mental health crisis right now” with some laid-out spreadsheet of exactly what I need.
Author: Audrey Beaudoin
I probably won’t say, “I’m in a mental health crisis right now” with some laid-out spreadsheet of exactly what I need. By Audrey Beaudoin
I sincerely believed that my living, NOT my dying, was the selfish act. By Audrey Beaudoin
The moments when I did give in do not define my progress. By Audrey Beaudoin
By Audrey Beaudoin
Your brain has learned to equate yelling with violence, and your body has been trained to put up all defenses at the slightest sign of a raised voice, especially if that raised voice is paired with physical movement or close proximity. By Audrey Beaudoin
I’ve heard of it before, this phenomenon where the ones who survive the unthinkable wrestle with immense guilt for the very act of surviving, to a point where they find it difficult to celebrate being alive. By Audrey Beaudoin
It was a matter of telling myself, “I want to live,” even when all I wanted to do was die. By Audrey Beaudoin
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