Tomorrow and the Day After
"To rise at the crack of dawn and not wish for better things. To reach tomorrow with joy, not regret."
Topic: recovery
"To rise at the crack of dawn and not wish for better things. To reach tomorrow with joy, not regret."
TWLOHA founder Jamie Tworkowski is the guest on this week's “Sounds Like A Movement” podcast.
I was a shell of the person I once was, running on empty, quiet and withdrawn. Where was the real me? Would I ever come back?
Sometimes we think we’re protecting others from the storms that swell within us. After all, if we let them in, they may not know how to weather those storms.
“It was at that moment when I decided I would have to let go of the identity I built in order to live in a body and mind that I loved.”
"The fear to remain silent and keep things 'hush hush' or in line with the status quo cannot compare to what I gained when I faced my fear and embraced my own voice.”
Jamie Tworkowski sits down with Becky Anderson on "Authors Revealed."
“And to those who are in recovery or to those who maybe haven't quite figured out what that means, please remember that it is quite OK to have bad days.”
“We are hardest on ourselves. This is especially true when we’re living in that uncomfortable space between where we came from and where we are going.”
"You become someone who has a before and after. You become someone who has been unmistakably altered."
“I realized that if I didn’t want this outcome for Sam, I shouldn’t want it for myself either.”
“Real stories are powerful because they give us evidence that things can change. They show us possibilities in impossible situations.”
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