Breaking Free of Silence and Shame
“Even when I have denied it, trauma has been as real and powerful a force as gravity in my life.”
Topic: recovery
“Even when I have denied it, trauma has been as real and powerful a force as gravity in my life.”
“At that time, all I knew was that I needed what seemed like a safer escape before things got even more dangerous.”
If you’re reading this, this is your invitation. What is the one thing you wish could say? What is the one thing you need to hear?
“I’m growing into myself. I’m learning to fit my heart in places that didn’t have room before.”
"These are my voices in the dark. This is the four-headed monster tapping on the window during the black night of my soul."
“Know that, despite how alone you feel, there are always people here with outstretched arms and hearts to help you heal.”
“You are alive and we are your proof, your audience and fellow members of this choir.”
“People learn their roles and have their scripts. They wear their masks and play their parts.”
This week we say goodbye to our spring 2015 interns. They’ve served this organization with open minds and full hearts, and for that we could never say “thank you” enough.
“Where were the everyday women talking about childhood trauma and, more importantly, life after?”
“What if, like in a race, we were always quick to offer words to remind people they aren’t alone in their struggles?”
Your journey is not just about coming out of the darkness, for darkness is all around you. Your journey is going back into the light.
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