Just Me
“Who am I?” when aspects of my identity no longer make sense or when they have been stripped away, supposedly leaving a chunk missing.
Topic: self-worth
“Who am I?” when aspects of my identity no longer make sense or when they have been stripped away, supposedly leaving a chunk missing.
My head kept whispering that I didn’t belong.
We are enough in this very second as we breathe in and out.
The hard part was deciding which mask was appropriate depending on the person and the situation.
“You have to work twice as hard to be half as good.”
Love has no limits. It arrives free of judgment. You do not need to earn love, just like you do not need to earn your breath.
Right now. What better time to thank ourselves for how far we’ve come...
Our society obsesses over productivity as a way of quantifying a person’s worth. I’m here to end that fallacy.
Be like the trees who take up sun, rain, and root.
Never forget how far you've come just by waking up today.
The relationship with my body is a complicated one—with ups and downs, celebrations, and resentment, but as of late, a lot of acceptance and contentment too.
There are far more people in this world on your side wanting you to know and be yourself.
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