Listening: An Invisible Healing
A combat medic shares his passion for preventing depression and suicide within the military.
Topic: suicide
A combat medic shares his passion for preventing depression and suicide within the military.
After her brother’s death, Amanda realized there is much more to suicide than the misconceptions society has taught us.
For his "Open 24/7" video series, Craig Gross recently invited our founder to get candid over coffee at a San Diego diner.
A former TWLOHA intern and her mother share what their family has lost to suicide—and what they’ve gained through hope and community.
Here is what we believe to be some very good news: If you're reading this, if there's air in your lungs on this November day, then there is still hope for you.
At a recent festival, TWLOHA encountered stories of healing, new life, overcoming shame—and it’s a beautiful thing.
During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, one brave woman tells how abuse once impacted her life and mental health—and how she now helps others find freedom.
After his TED Talk about mental health went viral, activist Kevin Breel spent some time on The TODAY Show to share more about his story and stigma.
How can we engage in suicide prevention beyond National Suicide Prevention Week? Here are ways to embody hope in the everyday.
How the message of “You Can NOT Be Replaced” has brought hope to Southern Monmouth County, NJ, home to the largest suicide cluster in the country.
Understanding suicide is key in stopping it. TWLOHA talks to Dr. Thomas Joiner, an expert on suicide, about how knowledge translates into saving lives.
Our theme for NSPW is "You Cannot Be Replaced," and we asked suicide attempt survivors to share how this idea brings them purpose.
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