How Photography Saved My Life
Have you ever felt scared and alone? Helpless, hopeless, or worthless? Like everything is suddenly out of control?
Topic: anxiety
Have you ever felt scared and alone? Helpless, hopeless, or worthless? Like everything is suddenly out of control?
Liminal space refers to a transition from “what was” to "the next." It is the waiting place of not knowing. This space is often filled with anxiety, but also a place where growth and change can begin.
Even though I can’t make my depression or anxiety go away, it’s given me a lot of comfort to realize I can try to give it less to work with.
I know that life isn’t black and white like that. And if depression is the black and utter joy is the white, then maybe it’s in the in-between where the colors are, where I can find sorrow and joy often coexisting right in the same moment.
I discovered makeup and my anxiety in the same year.
Trying to love yourself in a world that tells you you aren’t worth loving as you are is a constant battle.
Sometimes I wonder what my life would feel like without you. Could I survive? I think so. But every time I try to slip away, you grab a hold of me tighter than before.
Our friend Levi Macallister shares his newest poem, "Anxiety."
We received thanks from people who said that at some point we had said something, or listened to something, or hugged someone at just the right time. Their smiles are nostalgic and expectant—filled with faith that now we can do what we do in new places.
So while we can’t expect it to be steady and linear, recovery from mental illness is undeniably possible. No matter the number of times we take one step back, there are always steps forward awaiting to be taken.
Organizations like TWLOHA are here to help you figure out the challenges of mental health. Hogwarts Running Club is here to help you figure out the challenges of physical health. Combined, the results are a force to be reckoned with.
Mostly Human took a (fittingly) humanizing approach to portraying the struggles of mental health by highlighting just a few of the incredibly impressive people who have experienced it first-hand — depicting it not as a choice but as a condition.
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