Ringing Truth
"After searching the term 'non-binary' on Google, I wrapped it around myself like a security blanket."
Topic: anxiety
"After searching the term 'non-binary' on Google, I wrapped it around myself like a security blanket."
"I had taken so many twists and turns and had become so entangled in my depression and self-injury that I didn’t know where – or who – I was anymore."
"Here’s the truth: You’re the protagonist of your life. You decide the supporting cast. You decide which thoughts you give importance to. You make the choices."
"So much of what happened in my life was out of my control. Asking for help is not one of those things."
"Being too prideful to reach out for help gets you nowhere as I soon discovered when I first started suffering from anxiety."
"The first lie depression told me was that I did not have depression."
"But for all of the heartbreak you and I have felt, we have to breathe and realize—we are surviving."
"We live in a society that values perfection and holds it up as something attainable, but it’s time we break free from that way of thinking."
"You become someone who has a before and after. You become someone who has been unmistakably altered."
“I believe that everyone who puts up with me secretly hates me or finds me annoying. Please don't take offense.”
This month we're looking back on 2015 and sharing the most popular blog posts from this year.
"I wake up most days to the constant reminder that I live with a mental illness."
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