You Did It – Our Run For It 5k Recap
“What if, like in a race, we were always quick to offer words to remind people they aren’t alone in their struggles?”
Topic: depression
“What if, like in a race, we were always quick to offer words to remind people they aren’t alone in their struggles?”
Today, I can say that walking through depression, self-harm, and my lung surgeries have ultimately opened up my heart to the love and support of family and friends.
Jamie talks about the history of TWLOHA, the "To Write Love on Her Arms" movie, and what people can expect from his first book.
Even in the depths of my depression, I recognized how desperately I needed other people.
Jared Padalecki shares why he’s supporting TWLOHA with his “Always Keep Fighting” shirts.
“I don’t want to continue making the mistake of allowing myself to believe that I can’t be anything other than depressed.”
Saying “I am in love” has never and will never make my depression vanish. But it grounds me in a deeper truth: that I am worth more than my brain, my body, and my brokenness.
“But now I’m learning that I don’t have to have it all figured out to be appreciative for what is in front of me. If I wait until I can wrap my life up in a shiny bow to start enjoying it, I’ll be waiting forever.”
Though I sometimes have to remind myself to breathe, there’s still air in my lungs.
“I choose to not look at my depression as an impossible hurdle but as a rare door that opens my eyes to see and understand people. We are not broken, but fully alive when we do life together.”
Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014
“Maybe one day all of this will be completely in the past, and maybe it won’t. Maybe the gray-colored lens will always be waiting for me.”
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