Welcome to National Suicide Prevention Week 2014.
A week of hope, remembrance, and conversation begins today. We're glad you're here.
Topic: suicide
A week of hope, remembrance, and conversation begins today. We're glad you're here.
The people helping us raise money for National Suicide Prevention Week have chosen to take action on behalf of those that they love, those they have lost, and those who are still struggling. These are the stories they've shared.
"This story is a tragedy at times, a comedy some days, a drama safe to say. You will find things and you will lose things in this life, but do keep going..."
"Here I am, days after my 27th birthday, and I can tell you that it’s not too late to change."
“No One Else Can Play Your Part” is our campaign to celebrate National Suicide Prevention Week (Sept. 8-14) and World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10).
"It's okay to be broken. To be scared. To need help. It's okay."
If you feel too much, there's still a place for you here. If you feel too much, don't go.
“I’ve wondered that for a long time, if maybe the thing I’ve been holding as my story for so long is just a part of my story.”
What do words like “depression” or “abuse” mean to you? One woman shares her understanding of these terms—and the new words she’s learned to overcome them.
How can parents and mentors model honesty to young people? How can they communicate about both the dark and light in life? One mother offers some tips.
Amy Clover shares what it means to be “Strong Inside Out” and why she’s traveling across the US to raise money for TWLOHA.
For years I opted out of applying for Bonnaroo because I believed that TWLOHA would simply get lost in the enormity of the event; as it turns out, there was absolutely a place for us.
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