Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma as a Multiracial Woman
They don’t tell you about the periods of “wellness” in which you question your own reality and existence.
OCD, contrary to popular belief, is not tidy or clean. It’s messy. Exhausting. Loud.
This isn’t me saying that having schizophrenia is a gift, but it doesn't have to always be bad.
Maybe you need counseling or relationships or medication. Maybe you need all of these things combined.
For me, this day is typically a reminder of everything I didn’t get to have.
Going to therapy isn’t always an easy journey; learn how you can make progress in your mental health goals.
The moments when I did give in do not define my progress.
When it comes to mental health, especially depression, men statistically are far less likely to let it be known when they are struggling, and even less likely to reach out for help.
Seeking help for mental illness doesn’t have to be shrouded by deafening silence and a thick veil of shame.
Brick by brick I lay them down every day, affirming him in who he is and not what the world wants him to be.
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