TWLOHA founder Jamie Tworkowski responds to the death of Chester Bennington
Today, we mourn the heartbreaking loss of Chester Bennington. But today as we mourn, may we also declare that we’ll keep going.
Topic: depression
Today, we mourn the heartbreaking loss of Chester Bennington. But today as we mourn, may we also declare that we’ll keep going.
Shame must be silenced so we can love ourselves well and get on with life.
If today you’re looking at your life and hearing the world tell you that you should be happy, but you’re not truly feeling that happiness on the inside—I want to tell you that it’s OK.
I always believed that Madison Holleran would have loved To Write Love On Her Arms—if only she'd had the chance to find it.
Wounds won't heal so long as they are covered with a bandaid. They find relief when they are exposed to the light and the air—not when they are forgotten and pushed aside.
If I’ve gone longer without self-injury than I’ve self-injured, who will I be? If I’ve been healthy longer than I’ve been sick, where does that leave me?
Why am I writing all this? Is it self-serving? You betcha. Can it help anyone else? God I fucking hope so.
We need to learn how to create elbow and knee pads for our mental health.
Have you ever felt scared and alone? Helpless, hopeless, or worthless? Like everything is suddenly out of control?
Liminal space refers to a transition from “what was” to "the next." It is the waiting place of not knowing. This space is often filled with anxiety, but also a place where growth and change can begin.
Even though I can’t make my depression or anxiety go away, it’s given me a lot of comfort to realize I can try to give it less to work with.
I wrote “When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny” because I was frustrated. I was frustrated because I was starving myself and all anybody could say to me was how amazing I looked now. How inspiring my rapid weight loss was to them.
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