Stories From the Road: NerdCon
There is a power we hold and a purpose we serve simply by showing up for one another.
Topic: depression
There is a power we hold and a purpose we serve simply by showing up for one another.
You’ve gotten through every bad day you didn’t think you could get through. You’ve gotten through every night you wanted to kill yourself and every day you wanted to die.
You may look like nothing more than a broken tree branch. But you are something solid, strong real, graceful. You can take flight—you can glide. You are awesomely weird.
"Depression is not a failure, just as winter is not a mistake among the seasons. Denying depression is like expecting summer to supply snow or autumn to bear blossoms."
"Last February was maybe the hardest month of my life."
“Dear depression, You don't own me.”
“So today, no matter how little you think you’ve come in recovery, no matter how many mistakes you've made, please know that you would be doing a disservice to this world by taking yourself away from it.”
“Hope always seemed like something abstract to me. It was out there, somehow, just maybe not for me. But now I’ve learned that it’s a tangible thing.”
“I can't promise that you will never feel such desperation again, but I can promise that you can get through this.”
#TalkingAboutIt has become a safe space on the Internet where people can combat the stigma while being reminded that they’re never, ever alone.
"Whether it was flowers or cards or casseroles, there would always be a visual sign of support when it was needed – except when it came to someone struggling with mental illness."
"If you need a sign, this is it—a flickering neon light, a billboard, a booming voice from heaven. This is your sign to stay."
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