I Exist, Therefore I Am Enough
Even when we don’t want to take another step. Even when our hearts hurt. Even when it feels like the phone never rings and no one cares, we are enough.
Topic: depression
Even when we don’t want to take another step. Even when our hearts hurt. Even when it feels like the phone never rings and no one cares, we are enough.
Years after that first day when I was eight—on a day just as bright and clear—the world once again plunged into a meaningless gray. Only this time, it didn’t lift.
I wanted to hear the candid account of someone in the middle, maybe just past the hardest days of this illness, but not quite to the happy ending where you’ve reached the place you never thought you would.
The good exists even if it’s small, silly, or invisible.
All the time spent thinking I was half-this and half-that and yet not enough of either, when in reality, I am a whole person whose identity is not half-anything.
The Harmaleighs, an indie/rock duo from Nashville, are set to release their sophomore album on August 2. The album is a conceptual work that centers around lead singer Haley’s challenges and triumphs with mental health.
I am more than a diagnosis, and I don’t have to pick between labels.
That’s what I feel like when I’m in the depths of depression — that everything I do is meaningless — that all I am doing is passing time, waiting for it all to be over.
I spend much of my day supporting people in their lowest moments. I try to convey that they are worthy, that they deserve support and help, and how important it is that they take care of themselves.
As we welcome and observe this year's Mental Health Month, we want to build on the foundation we set last year by offering you four more core beliefs that we feel and believe wholeheartedly apply to you. To us, these statements are Black and White.
No matter how ephemeral those good moments are, they’re what I live for.
No one may know exactly how it all feels, but it’s my story to tell, my words to write down, and perhaps one day someone else might look at this and feel less alone.
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