Growing up I Often Heard “Therapy Is for White People”
I didn’t understand why he fell silent when I cried or the blank look that overtook his face when I had a breakdown. I didn’t understand his resistance to things like therapy and psychiatry.
Topic: race
I didn’t understand why he fell silent when I cried or the blank look that overtook his face when I had a breakdown. I didn’t understand his resistance to things like therapy and psychiatry.
My hope is that a fellow Mexican-American will read this and feel seen and heard and validated.
A list of mental health resources focused on supporting various BIPOC communities.
To achieve liberation, we all have to be willing to sacrifice for the collective gain.
We want to invite the TWLOHA community to join us on this necessary and overdue journey toward antiracism.
Resources created by and for Black people.
Being in constant limbo, a mental battle, “fitting in” everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
The conversations surrounding mental health in the Black community tend to get drummed down into a whisper; it becomes the uncomfortable silence at the dinner table when the name of a loved one too far gone to be brought back home comes up in a way that stirs the air.
Every day I think about how much pain my brother must have been in — how much emotional and spiritual pain — and I wonder if therapy could have helped him. I’ll never know the answer to that question.
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