The World is Not Better Without You
The moment of intervention should not be a moment at all, but a collection of moments.
Topic: suicide
The moment of intervention should not be a moment at all, but a collection of moments.
Emotion, including sadness, is part of being human. Being sad doesn't have to be a bad thing.
There’s this phrase I keep seeing when a tragic and usually surprising suicide makes the news.
Going to the hospital isn’t fun, but if it keeps you safe, it’s worth it.
Without connection, our souls whither. We long to be known.
When all feels lost, you are still worth fighting for. The help you need, the hope you're trying to feel—we want you to have the chance to find it.
Sometimes hope is the thing that convinces us with no shortage of turmoil to stay put as we wait for the tides to turn.
Hope is powerful and necessary but sometimes that’s not how the story ends. Sometimes, your sister dies and you just have to keep living without her.
If I can’t trust my brain to keep me safe, perhaps I can’t always trust it to be honest about me either. Maybe some of the things I have tortured myself with over the years aren’t true.
Suicide is seen as tragic, but it isn’t something to ridicule, belittle, or demean.
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