What Is a “Strong Friend”?
There’s this phrase I keep seeing when a tragic and usually surprising suicide makes the news.
Topic: suicide prevention
There’s this phrase I keep seeing when a tragic and usually surprising suicide makes the news.
When all feels lost, you are still worth fighting for. The help you need, the hope you're trying to feel—we want you to have the chance to find it.
Suicide, much like addiction, disease, and other mental health diagnoses can happen to anyone.
How would our classrooms, our homes, and our world be different if schools were empowered to teach the skills needed to boost resilience, (emotional) regulation, and relationships?
Sometimes hope is the thing that convinces us with no shortage of turmoil to stay put as we wait for the tides to turn.
Suicide is seen as tragic, but it isn’t something to ridicule, belittle, or demean.
Preventing suicide also means learning about and understanding what makes people consider suicide. Dr. Thomas Joiner helps us do just that.
What would happen if instead of telling “negative” or “difficult” kids that their outcries were disruptive and made people feel uncomfortable, we told them they have a right to feel all the complicated emotions and not just the pretty ones?
In the inevitable moments of pain and darkness, try to remember that you are someone’s Patrick to their Aundre...
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