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People are dying and mental illness is wearing a bright red dress, laughing the loudest, hoping there will be a day when someone asks it to sit down.
People are dying and mental illness is wearing a bright red dress, laughing the loudest, hoping there will be a day when someone asks it to sit down.
Your brain has learned to equate yelling with violence, and your body has been trained to put up all defenses at the slightest sign of a raised voice, especially if that raised voice is paired with physical movement or close proximity.
I tell myself to first hold out my open palms for the little joys in life, then to seek them out, knowing I need them.
I will keep gratitude journals, I will surround myself with inspirational quotes, I’ll decorate my body with meaningful tattoos... I will do whatever it takes to find joy.
Today I thought about the ways I could kill myself. A mental list formed in my mind.
Before I came out, I felt like I couldn’t take a full breath.
Our mental health experiences do not define us. They do not take away from who we are or the value we hold.
I was always just a little too much, even when there wasn’t much there for me to even be.
If hope is a commitment to the future, then we’re committed, regardless of the future.
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